Monday, February 15, 2010

New Encouragement

It's the start of the second week here in Roma and things are starting to look brighter. First things first though.

The final exam for my Firenze class was very easy and I received an A in the course. It wasn't nearly as intensive as I thought it would be, but at least I got 3 semester credits out of it. The bus ride from Firenze to Roma wasn't bad, except for the weather. The weather so far has been fairly miserable, which is why I haven't explored quite as much or taken as many pictures as I would like. The sun has broke out a few times but for the most part it has been very cold and overcast and sometimes raining. It even snowed the other morning!

Classes have been pretty lame so far. The European Union class picked up a bit today and hopefully the others follow. Italian has been the biggest let down, though. So far, I have learned nothing new and between that and local Italians speaking English to me, I have not gained any confidence in my Italian. I am really hoping this improves as I do want to learn the language and increase my fluency.

After class today, though, was easily the best so far. I walked around with guy named David for a bit and then we went to dinner. He wasn't hungry but I had a great full meal (buffet for 9.90 euro) and a very tasty beer. But the best part was easily the conversation he and I had. We talked about our relationships with God and our pasts. He doesn't party at all; he'll only have a beer or two like I do. I can easily see him being one of, if not for sure, my best friends on this trip. It was so encouraging to talk to him. He asked how he could pray for me, and for me and Jess. I told him I would get back to him on it. Anyways, I have new hope and encouragement for this trip now.

That's about all that's new so far. Hopefully I'll have more updates soon. Here are some more pictures for you all to enjoy. Love you!



  1. That's great, Daniel, about finding a new friend!!! I am excited for you! That will make your stay all the more worthwhile. That's a bummer about your Italian class. :-( Your Italian will get better in time, or maybe you should start asking the Italians to stop speaking in Enlish! :-)
    Thanks for keeping us in the loop. ;-)

  2. Daniel...I'm am so encouraged by this new blog entry! God has provided a buddy for you, an answer to our prayers! Love, hugs, and kisses...MOM

  3. Yay! I am excited to here about David. Hopefully the two of you can really connect and become good friends. What kind of beer did you have? :-)

